
jueves, 7 de julio de 2011

On Obama's speech at the closing of the Atlantis NASA Program

Interesting approach, Mr. President. Say to them we need a Breakthrough instead of saying "we need better education to develop breakthrough theories".

I don't know you, but I'm kinda feed up with the chitchat around institutions, universities, organizations and others. Those same institutions that have the opportunity to develop but are really "involved" in elections or the next benefactor committee's night.

At least that's what I see at my environment. Those who work really hard or have the good ideas strive with politics and sometimes get downturns because of not acknowledging the authority of a lecherous project director.

I know it's human nature at it's best but, for Christ sake, we are talking about being coherent. If the society and it's spokesman is raving for innovative solutions, maybe it's time to do things differently.

Releasing tech, investing more in education, keeping an eye on the banker's greed, taking violence out of schools and drugs out of the streets, these and other actions of the kind are seeds for BREAKTHROUGHS. I'll say that by now America knows that nothing comes from free.


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